Kubeform by AppsCode is a Kubernetes operator for Terraform . Kubeform provides auto-generated Kubernetes CRDs for Terraform resources and modules so that you can manage any cloud infrastructure in a Kubernetes native way. You just write a CRD for a cloud infrastructure, apply it and Kubeform will create it for you! Kubeform currently supports 5 top cloud platforms. These are AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Digitalocean and Linode.
The key features of Kubeform are:
- Native kubernetes support
- Built on Terraform
- Supports Terraform resources and modules
- Use cloud infrastructures as code
- Define & Manage cloud infrastructures as Kubernetes
(Custom Resource Definition) - Supports multiple cloud platform
- 100% open source
How Kubeform Works
The following diagram shows how Kubeform
creates a resource on a Cloud Provider (GCP, AWS, etc.).
The Resource Creation Process of Kubeform consists of the following steps:
At first, a user creates a secret with access credentials of the Cloud provider where the resource will be created.
Then, he creates a CRD of the resource that specifies the information of the Cloud Resource. The CRD also holds the credential information.
The KubeForm Controller (KFC) watches the created CRD.
Then, KFC creates
files from the CRDSpec
and the provider secret.If the
file doesn’t exist then KFC creates the.tfstate
file from thestatus.output
fields of the CRD.Then KFC runs
terraform apply
commands on the.tfstate
file and.tf
files that were created in the previous steps.After successful execution of
terraform apply
command, it creates the specified resource on the specified Cloud Provider.Then
terraform apply
command updates thetfstate
file if necessary.If the
file is updated, KFC also updates thestatus.output
fields of the CRD.
How to use Kubeform
Let’s take a look at how can we create anp AWS RDS
(Relational Database Service) using Kubeform
- First install the kubeform operator following the instructions here :
Using Helm 3
Kubeform can be installed via Helm
using the chart
from AppsCode Charts Repository
. To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo appscode/kubeform
appscode/kubeform v0.1.0 v0.1.0 Kubeform by AppsCode - Build Cloud Infrastructure from Kubernetes
$ helm install kfc appscode/kubeform --version v0.1.0 --namespace kube-system
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here .
Using Helm 2
Kubeform can be installed via Helm
using the chart
from AppsCode Charts Repository
. To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
$ helm repo update
$ helm search appscode/kubeform
appscode/kubeform v0.1.0 v0.1.0 Kubeform by AppsCode - Build Cloud Infrastructure from Kubernetes
$ helm install appscode/kubeform --name kfc --version v0.1.0 --namespace kube-system
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here .
- Now, we need AWS provider secrets to connect with AWS. For terraform, this secrets are provided like this in a
"provider": {
"aws": {
"access_key": "ACCESS_KEY",
"region": "us-east-1",
"secret_key": "SECRET_KEY"
For using it in Kubeform
, we need to convert it to a secret like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws
type: kfc.io/aws
region: dXMtZWFzdC0xCg== # base64 encoded value of `us-east-1`
access_key: '<base64 encoded access key>'
secret_key: '<base64 encoded secret key>'
Then we have to reference it from our Resource CRD.
- Now We need to create the AWS RDS CRD. We can create the AWS RDS CRD using the following kubectl command:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubeform/kubeform/raw/master/api/crds/aws.kubeform.com_dbinstances.yaml
- The AWS RDS configuration of terraform is given in a
like this:
"resource": {
"aws_db_instance": {
"test1": {
"allocated_storage": 5,
"engine": "mysql",
"engine_version": "5.7",
"instance_class": "db.t2.micro",
"name": "mydb",
"parameter_group_name": "default.mysql5.7",
"password": "foobar1234",
"storage_type": "gp2",
"username": "foo"
We can see that, there is a field called password, which is a sensitive value. So, we should not use this kind of sensitive value directly in the yaml. We’ll create a secret to store the sensitive value like the this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: rds-pass
type: kfc.io/aws
password: Zm9vYmFyMTIzNAo= # base64 encoded value of `foobar1234`
Then we can reference it from our DbInstance
CRD. The DbInstance
CRD will look like this:
apiVersion: aws.kubeform.com/v1alpha1
kind: DbInstance
name: test1
allocatedStorage: 5
storageType: gp2
engine: mysql
engineVersion: '5.7'
instanceClass: db.t2.micro
name: mydb
username: foo
parameterGroupName: default.mysql5.7
name: aws
name: rds-pass
Here, we can see that the provider secret is referenced using a field called providerRef
and the sensitive value secret is referenced using a field called secretRef
- Let’s put it altogether and apply it using kubectl. First create a
using the following yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws
type: kfc.io/aws
region: dXMtZWFzdC0xCg==
access_key: '<base64 encoded access key>'
secret_key: '<base64 encoded secret key>'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: rds-pass
type: kfc.io/aws
password: Zm9vYmFyMTIzNAo=
apiVersion: aws.kubeform.com/v1alpha1
kind: DbInstance
name: test1
allocatedStorage: 5
storageType: gp2
engine: mysql
engineVersion: '5.7'
instanceClass: db.t2.micro
name: mydb
username: foo
parameterGroupName: default.mysql5.7
name: aws
name: rds-pass
Then, run:
kubectl apply -f aws_rds.yaml
After that, an AWS RDS will be created!
- To delete the rds instance just run:
kubectl delete -f aws_rds.yaml
How Kubeform handles Terraform State
Terraform Resource
For individual resources, Kubeform doesn’t store the full tfstate
file in the CRD. The tfstate
json file contains version
, terraform_version
, serial
, lineage
and resources
Kubeform stores the tfstate
file in the CRD using the following way:
- The
fields are stored instatus.state
field in the custom resources. - The data from the
field that are not sensitive are stored in theoutput
field of the CRD. - The data from the
field that are sensitive are stored in a secret. The secret name is specified in asecretRef
field of the CRD. If thesecretRef
is not set, then KFC creates a secret and stores the sensitive outputs there.
To obtain the tfstate
from the state field:
- The
fields are retrieves from thestatus.state
field of a Kubeform resource. - The non-sensitive data from the
field ofstatus
and the sensitive data from the secret are merged and then set on theresources
Terraform Module
For Terraform modules, Kubeform stores the full tfstate
file in the CRD status object. As the tfstate
file may contain sensitive information, KFC doesn’t store the tfstate
file directly.
Before storing the tfstate
file in the CRD, the tfstate
is transformed in the following steps:
- First, the content of the tfstate file is compressed using
. - Then the compressed data is encrypted using a secret key. The secret key is a base64 encoded key which is 32 bytes when decoded. The secret key is provided by the user to the Kubeform operator(
). - The encrypted data is
is an advanced method for encoding binary data as ASCII characters. It is similar to base64, but is more efficient. The overhead produced by basE91 depends on the input data. It amounts at most to 23% (versus 33% for base64). - Finally, the base91 encoded data is stored in the
field ofstatus
object in the CRD.
The process is shown in the following figure:
To obtain the tfstate file from the status.state
field of a custom resource, the steps is followed in reverse:
- First, the
field of the Kubeform module resource is base91 decoded. - The base91 decoded data is then decrypted using the secret key.
- Then the decrypted data is decompressed using
. - Finally, decompressed data is saved as a
The process is shown in the following figure:
We have explored the option of using Kubernetes Service Catalog project to consume cloud services in Kubernetes using the Open Service Broker API. But CRDs provide better tooling in the context of Kubernetes. Also, this project has seen very little activity in recent times and cloud providers are abandoning it in favor of CRD based solutions.
Visit Kubeform project website to learn more. You can also find us on GitHub .
If you have read all the way to the end, I want to thank you. If you have any questions and want to know more, you can reach us via Email .