Introducing Stash v2022.09.29
We are very excited to announce Stash v2022.09.29. It comes with a few new features, bug fixes, and major improvements to the codebase. We have also removed support for a few unused features. In this post, we are going to highlight the most significant changes.
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/stash-v2022.09.29/
Introducing KubeVault v2022.09.22
KubeVault is a Git-Ops ready, production-grade solution for deploying and configuring HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes. We are pleased to announce the release of KubeVault v2022.09.22. This release contains a few bug fixes in KubeVault API Conversion & VaultServer Phase calculation.
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/kubevault-v2022.09.22/
Introducing KubeVault v2022.09.09
We are very excited to announce the release of KubeVault v2022.09.09 Edition. The KubeVault v2022.09.09 contains numerous improvements from KubeVault Operator & CLI end. It includes features for managing Day-2 lifecycle of Vault including Vault Ops-request, Recommendation generation for managing Vault TLS, updated Health Checker, KubeVault CLI, support for Pod Disruption Budget, etc. for Vault Cluster.
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/kubevault-v2022.09.09/
Redis Sentinel Ops Requests - Day 2 Lifecycle Management for Redis Sentinel Using KubeDB
On 28th September 2022, Appscode held a webinar on “Redis Sentinel Ops Requests - Day 2 Lifecycle Management for Redis Sentinel Using KubeDB”. Key contents of the webinars are:
- Introducing the concept of Redis Sentinel
- Deploy and Manage a Cluster in Redis Sentinel Mode
- Live Demonstration
- Q&A Session
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/kubedb-redis-sentinel-webinar-2022.09.28/
Configure MongoDB Hidden-Node on Kubernetes using KubeDB
On 21st September 2022, AppsCode held a webinar on “Configure MongoDB Hidden-Node on Kubernetes using KubeDB”. The key contents of the webinars are:
- Introducing the concept of MongoDB Hidden-Node
- How Arbiter works on Replica-set database & Sharded cluster.
- Automatic failover & high availability
- Live Demo
- Q&A Session
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/mongo-hidden-2022.09.21/
PostgreSQL Backup with Wal-G and point in time Recover with KubeDB managed Postgres Database
On Septempber 07, 2022, AppsCode held a webinar on “PostgreSQL Backup with Wal-G and point in time Recover with KubeDB managed Postgres Database”. The essential contents fo this webinar are:
- PostgreSQL Backup and Point in time Recovery
- Features of Backup and Recover with KubeDB
- Live Demo
- Q&A session
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/wal-g-webinar-2022.09.07/
KubeVault OpsRequest - Day 2 Life-cycle Management for Vault on Kubernetes
AppsCode held a webinar on “KubeVault OpsRequest - Day 2 Life-cycle Management for Vault on Kubernetes”. This took place on 1st September 2022. The contents of what took place at the webinar are given below:
- VaultServer deployment
- Discussion on Pod Disruption Budget for Vault Cluster
- Discussion on updated Vault Health Checker
- KubeVault Ops-requests
- Generate & Rotate Vault root-token with KubeVault CLI
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/kubevault-webinar-2022-09-01/
Blogs Published
Run MongoDB in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Using KubeDB
KubeDB simplifies Provision, Upgrade, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Monitor, Backup, Restore for various Databases in Kubernetes on any Public & Private Cloud. Here is how to Run MongoDB in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Using KubeDB.
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/run-mongodb-in-aws/
Run MariaDB in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Using KubeDB
KubeDB simplifies Provision, Upgrade, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Monitor, Backup, Restore for various Databases in Kubernetes on any Public & Private Cloud. Here is how to Run MariaDB in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Using KubeDB.
Link: https://appscode.com/blog/post/run-mariadb-in-aws/
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