Introducing Stash v2022.06.21

We are very excited to announce Stash v2022.06.21. This release adds support for Kubernetes v1.24.x. We have also introduces a few new features and improvements. We have squashed a few bugs as well. You can find the complete changelog here .

We are going to highlight the major changes in this post.

New Features

Here are the highlighting features of this release:

  • Support Kubernetes v1.24.x: We have upgraded the underlying libraries to support Kubernetes v1.24.x. Now, Stash should work flawlessly with the latest Kubernetes version.

  • Add timeout for backup and restore: You can now specify a timeout for your backup / restore process using spec.timeOut field of BackupConfiguration or RestoreSession. Respective backup/restore process will be considered as Failed if it does not complete within this time limit. This will ensure that backup process won’t get stuck by some kind of network issue. By default, Stash don’t set any timeout for the backup/restore.

  • Add Hook and timeOut support in Auto-Backup: We have added Hooks and timeout support in Auto-Backup as well. Now, you can specify a backup hook in your BackupBlueprint object.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

We have also fixed few bugs and made some improvements. Here are the notable changes,

  • Fixed a bug that put the restore job to CrashloopBackOfff state in some workload restore process #1448 .
  • Fix RBAC permissions for backup sidecar and restore init-container #1452 .
  • Update metrics labels for Stash Grafana dashboards #170 .
  • Updated restic version to 0.13.1 in Stash Addons.

What Next?

Please try the latest release and give us your valuable feedback.

  • If you want to install Stash in a clean cluster, please follow the installation instruction from here .
  • If you want to upgrade Stash from a previous version, please follow the upgrade instruction from here .


To speak with us, please leave a message on our website .

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If you have found a bug with Stash or want to request new features, please file an issue .


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