Introducing KubeVault v2021.09.27

We are very excited to announce the release of KubeVault v2021.09.27 Edition. The KubeVault v2021.09.27 contains major rework of the CRDs for self-service mode usage with KubeDB or GitOps use-cases. It makes managing user privileges extremely easy for KubeDB managed databases or any other databases as long as users provide necessary connection information.

KubeVault is a Kubernetes operator for HashiCorp Vault . The Vault is a tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management. The KubeVault operator makes it easy to deploy, maintain and manage Vault servers in Kubernetes. It also supports various secret engines management, policy management in the Kubernetes native way.

In this post, we are going to highlight the major changes. You can find the complete commit by commit changelog here .

What’s new in this release?

  • A more generic SecretAccessRequest

    The support for a more generic way to make secret access requests has been added in this release. Now, only the SecretAccessRequest CRD will be used to make request for all the supported SecretEngines and roles created in them e.g: GCPRole, AWSRole, ElasticsearchRole, MongoDBRole, etc. instead of separate CRDs e.g: GCPAccessRequest, AWSAccessRequest, DatabaseAccessRequest, etc. Making access request has never been this easy before using KubeVault.

      kind: SecretAccessRequest
        name: aws-cred-req
        namespace: dev
          kind: AWSRole
          name: aws-role
          - kind: ServiceAccount
            name: test-user-account
            namespace: test

SecretAccessRequest Flowchart

SecretAccessRequest has three different phases e.g: WaitingForApproval, Approved, Denied. A credential secret will only be issued if the phase is Approved. An approved SecretAccessRequest.status may look like this:

  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-28T09:36:45Z"
    message: 'This was approved by: kubectl vault approve secretaccessrequest'
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: KubectlApprove
    status: "True"
    type: Approved
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-28T09:36:49Z"
    message: The requested credentials successfully issued.
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: SuccessfullyIssuedCredential
    status: "True"
    type: Available
  observedGeneration: 1
  phase: Approved
    name: aws-cred-req-92m0n9
    namespace: dev
  • Managing user privilege using SecretRoleBinding

    Managing user privilege has been made simpler with the newly introduced SecretRoleBinding CRD. Now Admin can bind a set of roles to a set of users to grant them specific privilege using SecretRoleBinding, and on success of which the KubeVautl operator will create the necessary VaultPolicy and VaultPolicyBinding.

      kind: SecretRoleBinding
        name: secret-r-binding
        namespace: dev
          - kind: AWSRole
            name: aws-role
            - kind: ServiceAccount
              name: test-user-account
              namespace: test

SecretRoleBinding Flowchart

A Successful SecretAccessRequest.status with created policyRef and policyBindingRef may look like this:

  phase: Success
    name: srb-dev-secret-r-binding
    namespace: demo
    name: srb-dev-secret-r-binding
    namespace: demo
  observedGeneration: 1
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-28T12:56:35Z"
      message: VaultPolicy phase is Successful
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: VaultPolicySucceeded
      status: "True"
      type: VaultPolicySuccess
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-28T12:56:35Z"
      message: VaultPolicyBinding is Successful
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: VaultPolicyBindingSucceeded
      status: "True"
      type: VaultPolicyBindingSuccess
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-28T12:56:35Z"
      message: SecretRoleBinding is Successful
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: SecretRoleBindingSucceeded
      status: "True"
      type: SecretRoleBindingSuccess

VaultPolicy created by a successful SecretRoleBinding will create the necessary policy documents which is shown below:

  policyDocument: |

      path "/" {
          capabilities = ["read"]

      path "/" {
          capabilities = ["create", "update"]

    name: vault

VaultPolicyBinding created by a successful SecretRoleBinding will contain the references to the policies and subjects which is shown below:

    - ref: srb-dev-secret-r-binding
      name: k8s.-.demo.srb-dev-secret-r-binding
      path: kubernetes
        - test-user-account
        - test
    name: vault
  vaultRoleName: k8s.-.demo.srb-dev-secret-r-binding

VaultPolicyBinding.spec.vaultRoleName is the role name which will be bound to the policies. This role may be used during the creation of SecretProviderClass for using the Secrets-store CSI Driver . This defaults to following format: k8s.${cluster or -}.${metadata.namespace}.${}

What Next?

Please try the latest release and give us your valuable feedback. If you want to install KubeVault, please follow the installation instruction from here .

We are going to demo these features in our upcoming webinar on Oct 13, 2021 9:30 AM PST. Please register here to attend!


To speak with us, please leave a message on our website .

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If you have found a bug with KubeVault or want to request new features, please file an issue .


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