Introducing KubeVault v2022.01.11

We are very excited to announce the release of KubeVault v2022.01.11 Edition. The KubeVault v2022.01.11 contains major improvements of the KubeVault CLI for better user experiences, cert-manager integration for managing TLS, clean-up of the unseal-keys and root-token along with the VaultServer when the TerminationPolicy is set to WipeOut, newly added Expired phase for SecretAccessRequest based on TTL or admin side revocation, as well as few bug fixes. We’re going to demonstrate some of these improvements below.

KubeVault is a Kubernetes operator for HashiCorp Vault . The Vault is a tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management. The KubeVault operator makes it easy to deploy, maintain and manage Vault servers in Kubernetes. It also supports various secret engines management, policy management in the Kubernetes native way.

In this post, we are going to highlight the major changes. You can find the complete commit by commit changelog here .

What’s new in this release?

  • Improved KubeVault CLI i. KubeVault CLI now can be used to generate SecretProviderClass to ease the process of injecting vault secrets into K8s resources.

    # Generate secretproviderclass with name <name1> and namespace <ns1>
    # secretrolebinding with namespace <ns2> and name <name2>
    # vaultrole kind MongoDBRole and name <name3>
    # keys to mount <secretKey> and it's mapping name <objectName> 
    $ kubectl vault generate secretproviderclass <name1> -n <ns1> \
      --secretrolebinding=<ns2>/<name2> \
      --vaultrole=MongoDBRole/<name3> \
      --keys <secretKey>=<objectName> -o yaml 
    # command to generate secretproviderclass for the MongoDB username and password
    $ kubectl vault generate secretproviderclass mongo-secret-provider -n test \
      --secretrolebinding=dev/secret-r-binding \
      --vaultrole=MongoDBRole/mongo-role \
      --keys username=mongo-user --keys password=mongo-pass -o yaml

    ii. A new phase Expired has been added for SecretAccessRequest to show to expiration status by TTL or admin side revocation. To enable that, revoke command has been added so that the admin user can revoke a SecretAccessRequest using the KubeVault CLI.

    # command to revoke SecretAccessRequest
    $ kubectl vault revoke secretaccessrequest <name> -n <ns>

    iii. You can now get the decrypted value of vault-root-token simply using the get-root-token command by KubeVault CLI instead of going through the tedious process of manually retrieving and decrypting from the major cloud providers storages e.g, GCS, AWS, Azure or even from K8s Secret.

    # command to get vault root-token 
    $ kubectl vault get-root-token vaultserver -n <ns> <name>
    # command to get vault root-token for vaultserver with name vault in demo namespace
    $ kubectl vault get-root-token vaultserver -n demo vault s.9WeTJ2YgcM1fLD44tKPK9rdO
    # you can pass flag --value-only to get only the value of the root-token
    $ kubectl vault get-root-token vaultserver -n demo vault --value-only
  • Cert-manager managed TLS Now, VaultServer TLS can be managed with cert-manager along with existing self-signed certificate generation process. Sample yamls shows how VaultServer.spec may look like with it’s TLS enabled using cert-manager:

      kind: VaultServer
        name: vault
        namespace: demo
            apiGroup: ""
            kind: Issuer
            name: vault-issuer
  • Clean-up vault root-token, unseal-keys vault-root-token and vault-unseal-keys will now be cleaned-up if the TerminationPolicy of the VaultServer is set to WipeOut.

  • Multi-cluster usage vault-unseal-keys conflict issue for multi-cluster usage has been fixed in this release. You can provide --clusterName flag during helm install to set the cluster-name. Default value will be the cluster UID in case cluster-name is not provided.

  • GCS ServiceAccount token cleanup GCS Service Account token cleanup issue on delete & expiration has been fixed in this release.

What’s Next?

Please try the latest release and give us your valuable feedback.

  • If you want to install KubeVault, please follow the installation instruction from here .


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If you have found a bug with KubeVault or want to request new features, please file an issue .


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